Why Study with Us?
Nobo College enjoys an established reputation for world-class teaching and practical, leading-edge research.
Sense of Belonging
At other colleges, you might call those around you classmates and Tutors but here you will call them family. Therefore tailor your pharmacy training to your ideal outcome and explore different career paths as soon as you start because we have got your back. show more…
Exellence in Education
Our strategies for education aim to enrich the learning experience for students as well as enhance their hands on proficiency to develop self-learning skills, lifelong learning commitment and competencies that will make them both innovative and entrepreneurial to flourish in and contribute to a globally competitive and rapidly changing environment.show more…
Friendly Environment
We develop an enabling environment in which our human, financial and physical resources are appropriately allocated and deployed to help us attain sustainable excellence in teaching, research and knowledge exchange. Similarly, the college aims to create a world class infrastructure that supports our academic endeavors in an information age.show more…
Applied Research
As a research- led college we engage in cutting-edge research, especially in those interdisciplinary areas identified as our strengths, not only to make an intellectual impact internationally but also to benefit humankind in addressing challenges and societal needs locally, regionally and globally.show more…
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Nafasi za kujiunga na masomo kwa mwaka wa masomo 2023/2024.
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Nafasi za kujiunga na masomo kwa mwaka wa masomo 2022/2023.
Sat, July 2, 2022
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Tatizo la kukosa Usingizi kutokana na Umri Mkubwa
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Umuhimu wa Folic Acid kwa mama Mjamzito